Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Carol Dweck's Book, Mindset

What an impact this book has had on me! I will not see the world, let alone my job as a GT Coordinator, the same way again. Read this short excerpt to see what it does to you.

If you haven't much time there are six articles linked to the Mindset website that will help you catch a glimpse of its possibilities.

Everyone needs to read this book, but parents and teachers of gifted children especially need it's messages.

There was an Education Week article "Gifted Label Said to Miss Dynamic." Carol Dweck wrote the forward for the book being reviewed and the article quotes many of her arguments. You can view a Power Point on some of its key ideas by clicking here and then the article title.

I just found another Power Point on Carol Dweck's ideas. Check this out: "Brainology".

Last year I read a phrase in an article about Carol and decided to make it into my motto: "We have a passion for learning and thrive on challenge and change." That was the first step. This year my plan is to teach identified students about the importance of effort and give other students hope for growth.